This system provides Maxi-Cure pre-treatment, Reverse Osmosis, and Ultraviolet Disinfection, all in one system. This unit is designed for treating your entire home with the safest, most consistent product water on the market today, at every water fixture in your home.
Well Water Treatment
Ultra Violet Disinfection
Ultraviolet rays from the sun have been nature’s natural way of disinfecting water for millions of years. Ultraviolet rays destroy any organism’s reproductive system, rendering them harmless and unable to reproduce. These UV systems are typically used in conjunction with other units to assure no harmful bacteria enters your home […]
Maxi Cure
Our Maxi-Cure System is designed to treat well water that has such undesirable issues as Iron, Hardness, Clarity, Turbidity, Odors, pH, Oils and Chlorides. The Maxi-Cure can be loaded with many types of filter media to treat a multitude of Well Water concerns. Once your water is tested, Vibrant will […]
Maxi-Cure Plus
This system is the same as Maxi Cure, with the addition of ozone disinfection of the media bed. Iron and iron staining come from bacterial iron entering your water supply. As the Maxi Cure Plus backwashes the iron down the drain, ozone is injected into the mineral bed and keeps […]