

Ultraviolet (UV)

Most people are familiar with the term “Ultraviolet (UV)”. Do you know what it is? I looked it up, and this is what I got: “Ultraviolet (UV) light is electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength shorter than that of visible light, but longer than soft X-rays. It is so named because […]


Water Softeners Banned

WATER SOFTENERS BANNED!! Well, this has been going on for several years now. Several states, including California and Texas, have been attempting to get rid of water softeners. What’s the big deal, you may ask? Pure and simple, it is the salt brine discharged into the sewer system and ultimately […]


Benefits of Ozone

We are all concerned about drinking water. All but a few have installed some type of water purification system in their home. Even so, many people still buy bottled water because they don’t really trust their system. It was probably installed when the home was built, and who knows what […]



Bacteria? What is it and where does it come from? To start with, bacteria are all around you. Everything you touch, eat, smell, kiss, or come in contact with has bacteria. But don’t worry, they probably won’t harm you. You see, bacteria are kind of like cholesterol—there are good ones […]


Dangers in Your Water

This is an interesting article that everyone should read, especially if they are contemplating the purchase of a water system. I do not necessarily agree with everything, but who would? It will give you a good basis to begin the selection process. Please give us a call for any assistance. […]


The Presence/Absence Coliform Test

H2o Baja has a lab here in Cabo San Lucas. After looking at several options for testing for total coliform and E. coli, we decided to use the Presence / Absence Coliform test. Our supplier for the testing supplies is Hach Company, a world leader in testing equipment. We have […]


Arsenic and Drinking Water

Arsenic is a commonly found in the Baja in well water. You should avoid drinking it and more importantly, bathing in it. You will never know what is in your water until you have it tested, that is the first step. Why not have your water tested in our lab […]