Modelo DRO-100 Ósmosis Inversa Ahorro de Agua de 7300 Galones por Año Exclusivo de 4 Etapas para una Hidratación Máxima ¡BEBE POR TU SALUD! Seguramente has escuchado y leído esto antes. Casi se ha vuelto un cliché, pero ¿sabes las razones por las cuales cada persona debería beber al menos ocho vasos de agua...
Sample Page
Ultrafiltración, Nanofiltración y Ósmosis Inversa
¿Qué es la Filtración? La filtración es un proceso de eliminación de materia particulada del agua forzándola a través de un medio poroso. Este medio poroso puede ser natural, como en el caso de arena, grava y arcilla, o puede ser una pared de membrana hecha de varios materiales. A veces, partículas grandes […]
Ultraviolet (UV)
Most people are familiar with the term “Ultraviolet (UV)”. Do you know what it is? I looked it up, and this is what I got: “Ultraviolet (UV) light is electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength shorter than that of visible light, but longer than soft X-rays. It is so named because […]
Water Softeners Banned
WATER SOFTENERS BANNED!! Well, this has been going on for several years now. Several states, including California and Texas, have been attempting to get rid of water softeners. What’s the big deal, you may ask? Pure and simple, it is the salt brine discharged into the sewer system and ultimately […]
Whole House Reverse Osmosis
This system provides Maxi-Cure pre-treatment, Reverse Osmosis, and Ultraviolet Disinfection, all in one system. This unit is designed for treating your entire home with the safest, most consistent product water on the market today, at every water fixture in your home.
Ultra Violet Disinfection
Ultraviolet rays from the sun have been nature’s natural way of disinfecting water for millions of years. Ultraviolet rays destroy any organism’s reproductive system, rendering them harmless and unable to reproduce. These UV systems are typically used in conjunction with other units to assure no harmful bacteria enters your home […]
Maxi Cure
Our Maxi-Cure System is designed to treat well water that has such undesirable issues as Iron, Hardness, Clarity, Turbidity, Odors, pH, Oils and Chlorides. The Maxi-Cure can be loaded with many types of filter media to treat a multitude of Well Water concerns. Once your water is tested, Vibrant will […]
Maxi-Cure Plus
Este sistema es similar al Maxi Cure, con la adición de desinfección de ozono en el lecho de medios. El hierro y las manchas de hierro provienen del hierro bacteriano que ingresa a su suministro de agua. A medida que el Maxi Cure Plus realiza el retro-lavado del hierro hacia el desagüe, se inyecta ozono en el lecho mineral y mantiene...
Benefits of Ozone
We are all concerned about drinking water. All but a few have installed some type of water purification system in their home. Even so, many people still buy bottled water because they don’t really trust their system. It was probably installed when the home was built, and who knows what […]
Bacteria? What is it and where does it come from? To start with, bacteria are all around you. Everything you touch, eat, smell, kiss, or come in contact with has bacteria. But don’t worry, they probably won’t harm you. You see, bacteria are kind of like cholesterol—there are good ones […]